DeFi protocols

DeFi Protocols integrate Wido Router into their web apps to accept direct deposits in any token from any chain. This reduces friction, improves conversion and grows deposits by as much as 2x.

Pivot alert: Wido has become Walnut. This docs as well as the Wido Zap API will be discontinued. Read full announcement.

Why DeFi protocols need Wido Router

Web3 protocols like Yearn.Finance, Pickle.Finance or Harvest.Finance rely on users' deposits. The deposits must be frictionless to attract as many users and their tokens as possible.

Smart contracts underpinning those protocols only support deposits in a specific token. But that means only users with that particular token (i.e. DAI) can deposit. Other users who might own similar tokens (i.e. USDC, FRAX or USDT) need to make a swap first before depositing, which creates friction.

Another friction comes from the multi-chain world of layer twos like rollups or alternative layer ones. Cross-chain deposits into protocols are unavailable, and users must use bridges and buy special gas tokens for the destination chain before depositing.

Wodo now supports direct deposits from Ethereum mainnet to protocols on Starknet and ZK Sync. Reach out to learn more.

Protocols must accept deposits in any token and from any chain or rollup

Wido Widget lets DeFi protocols accept any token from any chain, in a single transaction. Wido Router reduces the steps required to deposit and increases deposit conversion by as much as 2x.

You can start integrating now.

Last updated